Monday, July 25, 2011

Notes from the Support Crew

Greetings from Carroll!

Hopefully I can get a post made before the connection fails again!

The host family in Glenwood was more than we ever expected.  We got to sleep inside, some upstairs, some in the basement, easy access to bathrooms, and just fun people to be with.  Got some downpours while unloading, but we hurried everything to the porch. Then we had some cold drinks, and headed downtown in smaller groups to check out the Expo.  T-shirts were the most sought after items other than food and drink.

At Atlantic we stayed at Sts. Peter and Paul Church.  We parked on a side street because Mass was in session, and Mike, George and I went downtown.  Atlantic's downtown is nice!  Lots of little shops, and nice treelined, brick trimmed sidewalks.  After Lew, Steve, and Kevin told us to read the rider instructions, we found the empty lot down the street from the church and set up camp. We had a huge feast of all you can eat spaghetti, salad, and rolls.  It was hosted by the youth group and those kids gave us 5 star service.  Empty plates were whisked away, and the beverage glasses were always full.

Everybody headed out about 7 today, with Bob following at 8. We had an 88 mile drive.  We stopped for fuel and ice, and Steve and Kevin beat us to camp at St. Lawrence's Church by about 5 minutes.  We checked in, and tonight we're camping outside, but have 2, count 'em 2, bathrooms with SHOWERS!  And Hy-Vee is nearby with supplies.

I'm ending here, hoping this posts, and I need to check the weather report.

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