Sunday, July 24, 2011


I'll recap day one from my perspective. I spent the day riding with Kathy and Missey. What I learned today is these two women need coffee, and they need it early. You are probably familiar with road rage or roid rage. Well coffee rage needs more study. Once they get coffee they are a lot of fun to ride with.

Many of you that know me will be sadly disappointed in my performance today. I'm talking about the pie eating contest. I really thought riding the full week I could compete. I had my first piece around nine and was well on my way. Sadly due to the dreaded three H's, heat humidity and hills, that would be my final tally. Mike White shows up having consumed four pieces. He adds yet a fifth piece at dinner. This competition is over before it started. I'll have to learn from the master and perhaps be more competitive next year.

One of the pleasures of camp has been Lew, the accounting instructor. This man is funny.

One of the fun parts of ragbrai is the people. we met Oh brother, not another bike ride from Newton. A group of several brothers, friends, nieces and nephews who ride. Middle brother entertained several of us for most of an hour this evening.

the race to camp? Lew followed by Steve and then probably Kevin. I wasn't here, so that needs verification.

Most of the ride was in near 100 degree temps. Very hilly day. Hoping for cooler weather on day two.

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