Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 was great fun but included a couple of mechanical issues. Let's discuss the good stuff. Very nice pass thru towns. Again I'm riding with Missey and Kathy. Another friend Susan has joined us. In Kimbalton, we saw a picture taking op with a mermaid. I pointed out there was also a merman. The gals came to a screeching halt and individual as well as a group photo were taken. I also had my pic taken with the cute mermaid.

Later in the meeting town we enjoyed delicious sandwiches, adult beverages, and my first slice of pie. I had my pic take with a bunch of nuns. The singer performing was an incredible talent and we stuck around to listen. We ran into a large group of fellow Ambrose team members and enjoyed exchanging stories of the days travel.

We passed thru Templeton where the Templeton Rye is made. Missey and I toured the plant.(free samples). Kathy also tried a sample and was unimpressed if not a bit wobbly.

I suppose a pie update is in order. I tripled yesterday's total and stand at four. Mike suffered a let up only managing thee pieces today and a total of eight on the week. Today give some sort of hope and my travel companions have been great at trying to get me back in the game! The only thing they insisted on was that slice three couldn't be Apple. The cherry pie was delicious.

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