Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 2 continued.

Mechanical issues, we had a few. I blew a front tire going down a steep hill at probably 35 mph. Luckily I stayed upright. Three tubes a couple of co cartridges and some help from a very nice young man from the air force later, I was back on the road. It turned out the tire had a bulge and needed replacing, which we were able to do within a few miles. Pretty happy to walk away from that uninjured.

Later in the day Marybeth was also on side of the road with a similar issue. I provided the pump and a nice young man provided the tube and changing skills. She also bought a new tire.

There is some thought that temps in and near the 100's may be the issue. We'll inflate tires to a lower pressure tomorrow.

All in all another really nice day to ride. Still plenty of the three H's to deal with though. Tuesday should be flatter but much longer. We'll decide mid day whether to do the century option.

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