Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another one bites the dust

Well, I literally "crapped out" on the team last night.  I must have not pushed enough fluids yesterday while enjoying the A/C at the Freels.  I just finished yesterdays posting and it hit me and didn't let up.  While everybody was discussing Mike White's leg gash and then all the great food to be available at Sts. John & Paul's spread (not what I needed to be la la la) I felt I needed to lay down on the floor under the family room ceiling fan.  Deb Duley called Angie for me about what to do for an under the weather van driver.  Thanks Deb! I only had thoughts of escape about then while fearing I would be tossing my cookies in front of everybody.  Deb and Carrie then left for dinner and promised to return with crackers and 7Up.  About then Bob and Rodney arrived and did an excellent job of being Dads to a melting down support crew member.  Thanks you guys.  Bob went into problem solving mode regarding getting me home to recuperate.  While I rested, the team discussed the day's events and Bob thought to call Kevin to ask how his son's state baseball tournament game had gone that day.  Unfortuneately, the team lost the game.  But, that meant Kevin was on his way back to Davenport.  Kevin offered to turn around from about 20 minutes out to come back and drive the van and me back to Davenport.  Can you spell lifesaver?  And before I left, George hand lettered a sweet feel better card for me.  I got choked up!  Thanks George! I hated to leave the team, but was also glad to be back home to hog the bathroom, and not bother anybody on the way.  Had the chills last night, but that passed and after a 2 hr nap, am now eating crackers, rice crispies, water, and gatorade, and typing away.  I have some pics to load, so I'll do that now that I'm on a land line computer.

I miss everybody and have great admiration for the endurance abilities of all!  You guys rock!

May the last couple days be all tailwinds!


  1. Glad you are feeling better. Thanks for all your hard work.

  2. Barb. You ate missed. Thanks for the work you did while you were with us.
