Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bob does NOT see Lance!

So I finally find time to post on this blog...

Of course I've enjoyed every concert until the last song plays [save last night in Altoona since the humidity kept me inside the Freel's (host) home's cold A/C]. Those late night's mean I prefer to "sleep in" (i.e., wake up with Team SAU's early rising...but slowly crawl on my bike by 8'ish...or 9am?

So my best story happened "with Lance"...unknowingly. Before leaving Carroll, I lathered up with sunscreen that melted off my forehead, mixed with sweat from the high humidity on Tuesday, giving me to horrible red eyes and little visibility. In pain and just wanting to get to the first town (Lidderdale) to find the EMS/FireStation to have my eyes rinsed so I could again see, I heard a pack of riders and loud music approaching. So I jumped on the end of a draft line and rode the final few miles into town. It felt great to reach the town at a quick pace (~25 mph) so I could finally have my vision restored. As I got off the draft line, another older guy with a Livestrong jersey also dropped off (to wait for his friend to catch up). When I could finally see he was a supporter of Lance, I asked if Lance had ridden real early that morning? He looked at me bewildered...and then said, "We were JUST riding WITH Lance!" So I rode with Lance (briefly)...just didn't know it or see it!! :o)

Oh well, onto another adventure as I leave (90 minutes after the rest of Team SAU) Altoona headed for Grinnell... Have a gr8 day...I will!

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