Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday View From the Support Crew

Greetings from Altoona!

OK, my thoughts today have waffled between how did those early pioneers in the covered wagons ever cross Iowa (they must have done it in October) and should I really be enabling these crazy bikers? They have been biking on the surface of the sun, I swear!  By the time we unload gear from the truck each day, I'm wiped and all I want to do is sit.

The 1 million screetching frogs in Boone were relentless and kept the Tritts up.  They are ending their RAGBRAI adventure early, after biking the two worst days of hills.  They caught a ride home with Rita, who brought up some of the new riders.  Katie, if you are reading, I will miss my chief photojournalist!  I had a great time with you two, and will be glad to see you at pickup on Saturday.

We arrived in Altoona mid afternoon after refueling, restocking with Gatorade and ice.  We buy 80 to 100 lbs of ice per day.  We bypassed the official RAGBRAI truck route today and took Highway 30 to Ames to I-35 to I-80 to Altoona.

Our hosts in Altoona, Rosemary and Jeff, let us camp in the house tonite!  Awesome.  The low tonight is supposed to be 89.  THANKS for the A/C treat.

I think we are going to head out en-mass for a church dinner in a bit.  We have to wait for Mike McCoy to return from taking Mike White to the ER for antibiotics.  Mike was involved in a crash and had a leg injury.  More to follow from Denny, I am sure.

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