Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 3

Happy birthday Susan! She wore a top indicating this fact and received numerous birthday wishes.

OK, Carroll or as the campers refer to as train town has a problem. I was certain that the trains would stop at midnight. I was also certain they would stop at 2:00. I did eventually get a couple hours sleep which was nice since today is a long day. How do these people get any rest?

Enough about that. Another beautiful day, still plenty warm, but I'll take this over cold and rain. Riding with the same group as the last two days, we get a bit earlier start. We have made a new rule, Kathy is no longer allowed to assume she understands what is printed on the back of team jerseys. After a couple of humerous call outs to riders ( at least her friends find humorous) she needs to double check with us before commenting. We found coffee pretty quickly today and I was able to consume my first piece of pie and it isn't even 8:00. I'm off and running! Rumors were flying that Mike would be sitting out todays ride and I was in a great place to make up ground. Sadly, and I really hate to admit this, but pie just lacks appeal when it is very hot and I'm very tired. I have to give credit where it is due and Mike is a pro at this.

We work our way to Tender Tom's Turkey for lunch and decision time is near. To century or not century. Susan and Missy opt for the short fun option. Kathy really wants the century. I also wanted to get the 100 miles so we split up. I get Kathy to understand this won't be the fun ride we've been enjoying, other than stopping for water, we would be pedaling. Now we see bikes making the turn and Kathy says I still want to try it. I point out that like the great Yoda says there is no try. There is either do or do not. We actually manage the extra loop quite well and on our second pass thru Payton replenish fluids. A mango smoothie, coke, and ice water later we are ready to resume riding. I will admit there was one body part less than excited to get back on the bike. The big challenge during the final 20 miles is a hill called Twister Hill. Personally I'm not a fan of hills that have names. The only good thing is there was a loonnng down hill leading into this monster. I managed to hit 42.2 mph. Others in the group managed even faster. I think Steve neared 50. Proud to say I did make it to the top!! You do have to wonder about people that place something like that at mile 90!

Sadly two of my riding buddies completed their ride today. Kathy and Missey are headed home. Debbie and Carrie have agreed to show me that they know a thing or two about having fun on ragbrai. I will then join Jan and Joan BD for the following day. I think it will be fun.

I must say todays host family is wonderful. Beautiful home and the nicest people. We've had a great evening. Jan, Marybeth, Joan, the birthday girl Susan and I walked to a nearby bar to celebrate Susan's birthday. We had a great time and as it turned out, met our hosts there. They insisted on driving us back, again just great people!

Tomorrow is a shorter day. We could use it. Everyone was pretty spent after todays ride.

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