Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Atlantic to Boone - News From the Support Crew

After two rough days in the western hills, John & Katie are taking a sag ride today.  I'm picking up more friends all the time!  George rode with us again, and also Mike White, who ran into some bad food along the route yesterday and also needed a break.  We had breakfast at Hy-Vee (Mike took a pass), then we stopped at a laundromat and turned our stinky pile into that "fresh as a daisy" pile.  Thanks to Katie, and the clothes line at our hosts in Boone, Sherry and Curt, we will soon have dry clothes too!

The night last night was also rough.  We camped at St. Lawrence Church, which was handy to the entertainment.  This was good and bad.  Bob and Rodney went to the concert.  Gee, we did too without moving from the campsite.  The music was so loud, even at the campsite that we had no more than a 10th-row location.  Surprised Bob's not deaf.  Oh, yeah, he did say he was deaf this morning.

But the worse part was the trains.  And I mean all night long.  We were on UP's mainline. I assumed I was the only one kept awake, but the first thing Denny said when I came out of my tent next door was "anybody hear the train last night?"  I have a video recreation of that statement, but I'll have to load it later.  I am using Sherry's really nice laptop and I don't want to load it up with my camera.  When I can get the netbook working, I'll do it then.

Well, it's awesome sitting in Sherry and Curt's nice kitchen in the A/C, but I'm heading back outside to see what's happening besides sweating.  We're parked out on chairs in their garage by FANS!  See we told you it's the Hilton!  This is the best party yard ever! Pic's to follow at a later date.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Hang in there. That's easy to say when I am enjoying air conditioning! You can't complain about the trains if they were carrying MEC coal. Joyce
